Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : In English, please!

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  1. Welcome to the new MEDI-LEARN board
  2. How about YOUR knowledge in English?
  3. three word story
  4. The ^ < v-Game
  5. I´m sick and tired of...
  6. *literature YOU'd recommend*
  7. i have just written my last english test - and now?
  8. Late at night...
  9. Medical English – how to keep it going ?
  10. Which medical textbook do you recommend?
  11. Have you ever been to England/USA?
  12. Being an assistant doctor abroad and then working as a doctor in Germany?
  13. I'd like to say THANK YOU....
  14. Did you know ?
  15. foreign doctors working in germany
  16. USMLE Step 1
  17. The lonely hearts thread
  18. 3WS - Director's Cut
  19. Hong Kong
  20. to learn english in 360 days
  21. your lovely recipes
  22. women could be so horribly clever...
  23. KKP/ Work experience Abbroad
  24. PJ times in the US, Electives vs. Core Clerkships
  25. Contact to Kenya
  26. contacts for working in dubai
  27. Morbus and syndrome
  28. Summer School Groningen
  29. Working in Germany? Unpaid anerkennungsjahr?
  30. medical studies in the states
  31. Anatomy flash cards
  32. Kann mir jemand den folgenden Satz übersetzen?
  33. Awesome English Medical Websites
  34. Belgian medical student with questions!!!
  35. How to translate the word "transfectants"?
  36. Translation of Zeugnis über die Ärztliche Prüfung
  37. "Altersmedizin, Infektiologie, Klinische Chemie"
  38. And: "Einzelleistungsnachweis" "Querschnittsbereiche" ...
  39. Article: McDonald's Opens in Kreuzberg
  40. notaufnahme auf englisch
  41. Translation
  42. How to translate "loss of ankle-deep tendon reflexes"?
  43. Stool softener & bulking agent
  44. Application in english
  45. hello im egyptian doctor
  46. podcasts
  47. Books
  48. Homeopathy in Germany
  49. is there anybody from Köln?
  50. i would like to proceed my studys in england