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05.03.2007, 19:53
^ like a fish
< never has a hangover
v loves tequila

05.03.2007, 20:01
^ not really
< prefers beer
V is an anti-alcoholic

05.03.2007, 20:05
> the bottle of red wine is empty now
v brings me another one

05.03.2007, 20:06
^ of course :-angel
> would NEVER even touch an alcoholic beverage :-angel
v believes every single word I say

05.03.2007, 20:38
^ Not really :-D
> is bloated with food
v is thirsty all the time

05.03.2007, 21:57
^ i love to suck blood indeed
< is always torn between two little things
v knows one of them

05.03.2007, 22:14
^ never knows nothing (or thinks to do so)
< is in a strange mood
v can't sleep at the moment

06.03.2007, 05:17
^ would like to sleep
> hast do go to work soon
v is still in bed

06.03.2007, 05:51
^ no -has just returned from hospital for lunch break
> eats a big big fruit salad
v knows dragon fruits

06.03.2007, 06:30
^ from that german fashion drink, actually
< is taking the day off for home studies and stuff
v will contribute to 'stuff' :-))

06.03.2007, 07:24
^sure will
<its 42.
v knows 42 well.

06.03.2007, 07:31
^ I do
< 420 too
v would like us to shut up

06.03.2007, 11:16
^ Noooo! Way to go!!!
> is enjoing the sun
v is singing in the rain

06.03.2007, 12:39
^ indeed :-? (what the hell ist goin' on here? there should be no rain at this place)
> had phantastic caramel shrimp for dinner...yummie
v gets sparkles in the sun

06.03.2007, 13:56
^ sparkles oder freckles ;-)
> is sick and tired of all that crap
v offers a cup of calming tea

06.03.2007, 13:56
^ caught the monsoon :-D
edit: 'calming' is sth i cannot offer ^
< likes being served sparkling drinks in the sun.
v naturally freckled

06.03.2007, 16:35
^geek - s'pose not
< wanted to be freckled all life. and also have curls.
v has got stubbles on his chin.

06.03.2007, 17:35
^ doesn't know 'before' pics ;-)
< is somatically allergic to curls
v goes off on a snowboard

06.03.2007, 17:38
^ i'd rather prefer my ski
< doesn't bother who skis and who takes a snowboard as long as everybody is catching up
v want's to go skiing with me.. NOW

06.03.2007, 17:56
^ no, does not have any experiences in skiing
> would rather do ice-skating
v can't do that