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07.07.2007, 22:29
^not really
> has to transcribe a muscial composition
v must not do this

07.07.2007, 22:42
^ no need to :-)
> envies Flauta for her musical career
v tells me, what kind of instruments she can play :-)

07.07.2007, 22:47
^ yes: flute, piccolo, alto flute, oboe, English Horn, a bit of piano an singing
< is thinking about airplanes
v hates them too

07.07.2007, 23:09
^ no, loves flying :-love
> impressed by Flauta's many talents :-top, can't keep up with that (well I haven't practised anything for ages now :-(( )
v doesn't play any instruments

07.07.2007, 23:18
< is impressed how Meuli manages family + studies
v is fascinated by the USA

07.07.2007, 23:19
^ yes and really homesick now :-((
> yeah I just have to get along somehow :-nix
v life sucks right now

07.07.2007, 23:25
^ life is ok right now
< thinks that life will be horrible next Sunday in airplane
v thinks the same

07.07.2007, 23:39
^ no it won't :-)
> nice movie, good food (well ... :-)) ), nice people around you, ipod with good music and a interesting book ... you'll see, time will fly (nice pun^^)
v alternativ is Lorazepam or something like that^^

07.07.2007, 23:43
^will use some "drugs"
> hopes to survive the flight
v hopes the same

07.07.2007, 23:46
^ KNOWS that you will survive the flight :-)
> would really like to meet you some day :-dafür
v will be in Marburg, too

07.07.2007, 23:49
^ I hope so
< it was great to go to Marburg
v thinks the same

07.07.2007, 23:50
^ yeheesssss!!!
> was sooo great the last time :-party
v is convinced and will do everything to be able to join us there :-)

07.07.2007, 23:53
< but the risk to have to work and not to find a train that will join Marburg in less than 20h ist high
v will not travel by train to Marburg

08.07.2007, 00:06
^ haven't decided yet
> I'll be getting a new car soon, so maybe ...
v guesses what color it will be

08.07.2007, 01:30
< is no tired
v goes to bed, too

08.07.2007, 01:50
^ I will soon :-)
> nightynight :-winky
v already :-sleppy

08.07.2007, 09:35
^ no more :-) good moooooooooooooooooorning
> breakfast: toast with honey, boiled egg, coffee: life ist wonderful :-top
v enjoys this nice sunny day

08.07.2007, 09:41
^ cannot stand the light, yet :-nix
> is learning emergency medical aid
v is listening to really goooooooooood music right now

08.07.2007, 09:50
^ hm, no, is not listening to anything at all...
< ... but is onher way to change it --> Maná :-love
v does not now them

08.07.2007, 12:27
^I have to listen to, to know
< has a concert today
v too