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^ I can try^^
> it's 'host family', not 'guest family' :-) and I am sure they will understand you over there :-)
v :-party :-)
^really, ok thank you: host family
< I have to look for a present for the host family
v has an idea, what to organize as present
^ hm, I'd suggest something "typically" German ...
> Americans like kitsch :-)) and German beer (at least they ask you constantly about it^^)
v helpful?
^ perhaps...
< something really luxembourgish? a map to show them, that this country exists...they told us about Belgian chocolate
v thinks also, that chocolate in summer could be dangerous
^ chocolate is always dangerous :-D
> you can send me your chocolate if you want to get rid of it^^ (no, chocolate is perfect, put a layer of paper and a plastic bag around it; then, it won't be very hot in the freight hold I guess)
v also as chocolate-crazy as I am :-blush
^no, not allowed to eat some
< the chocolate problem is the host family 2-5 because its hot in how to manage to the last chocolate, to keep "fest"
v knows the solution
10.07.2007, 07:33
^tell them to put it in the fridge and it will be fine ;-) (even if it was melted!)
> would love to go to the US as well... however my boyfriend is still not back from the deployment so no vacation in the US this summer =(
v is in a LDR also
^what is LDR
< thinks that Meuli is a Good Personal English Teacher for FLauta (GPETF)
v is also a GPETF
^ I hope so :-) :-blush
> I guess, LDR means 'long distance relationship' (correct me if I'm wrong, I was only guessing)
v English skills are constantly improving :-top
^but not mine....I'm having a kindergarten vocabulary
< was shopping and to the ophtalmologic doctor
v knows how the AUgenarzt is named correctly in english
10.07.2007, 18:36
^ ophthalmologist just like the German "Ophthalmologe" =)
> thinks that Flauta's English is good! And Meuli you were right- LDR means long distance relationship ;-)
v is having a great evening
^yes, not bad
< is proud that other people understand my english
v wants to come with me to CHicago, too
^ yesyesyes *packing my suitcase* :-))
> really would love to go there :-((
v sends me a postcard^^
^why not, where?
< has to begin to pack the baggage (correct, Meuli?
v makes the baggage always last minute
^ does everything last minute :-blush
> 'procrastination' is my middle name :-))
v what a surprise, has the same middle name :-D
^ is happy not to have a complicated middlename (or a studpid one...)
< has only one vor-name
v knows the adequated word and has more "Vor-names"
^ word is first name (in AE), and second "Vorname" would be called middle name :-D
> complicated, I have two names, but I am usually called by my middle name, not by my first name; people hardly understand that, but computers don't get it at all, so on many documents, the names are switched around *gnarf*
v is now confused :-))
^ yes, wants to know these names
< is chatting
v is chatting in English
^ yup, it's so enjoyable!
> has 3 names (the third one is actually a double name so it might as well count as 4 names...)
v thinks my avatar is beautiful :-)
11.07.2007, 09:44
^ Actually, not, it's a anaemic lady after all.
> This game redefines the word "stupidity" and makes it shine.
v Is making this game even MORE stupid just by posting here.
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