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06.11.2007, 19:45
^ yep, watch TV :-))
> had lectures and classes from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., so no more studying today (although I should do a little pharmacology ...)
v prefers "practical pharmacology" to studying that stuff :-))

06.11.2007, 21:14
^would prefer other things
< has still to work
v has finished everything

06.11.2007, 21:19
^ I guess
> going to bed soon
v going to get me a warming bottle

06.11.2007, 22:23
^ no bottle
< finished work
v leaves bed at 6h, too

07.11.2007, 05:00
^ has already left bed at 5.45 a.m.
> is still tired
v is always tired

07.11.2007, 14:43
^ yep
> tired all day, but then wide awake when it's time to go to bed :-(
v has no problems falling asleep

07.11.2007, 14:58
^ actually no, always go 2 bed quite late.... sleep in right away :-sleppy
> hungry n needs 2 get something 2 eat before running :-keks
v rather snuggles with a blanket instead of going outside :-top

07.11.2007, 18:46
^ yellow blanket
< cold, cold, cold and tired
v not tired at all

07.11.2007, 19:12
^ just a bit
> is going to watch the movie "Contergan" in a few minutes
v is also going to see it

07.11.2007, 19:26
^ yep!
> dh and ga will have to wait^^
v doesn't watch TV at all

07.11.2007, 21:06
^ not much at the moment
> hasn't brought her own TV here and the old one she was given is broken down
v could not live without

08.11.2007, 00:37
^ doesn't really need a TV for living
> needs some sleep instead
v is already in bed :-sleppy

08.11.2007, 04:58
^ was at that time, yes
> has already got up at quarter to six
v had to get up earlier

08.11.2007, 12:26
< has a lot of work
v has no work until monday

14.11.2007, 16:48
^ you're damn right
> wants to burn down the whole dep.of genetics
V can imagine why

14.11.2007, 19:08
< has passed two exams today
v can say the same

14.11.2007, 19:11
^ no
> but says "congratulations!!!!!" :-) instead
v also has a reason to be happy :-)

14.11.2007, 19:21
^perhaps in a few weeks (results)
< has still 6 exams to pass
v has a week off

14.11.2007, 19:35
^ has a lot 2 study the next weeks
> is quite hungry
v had dinner already

14.11.2007, 20:08
< has very cold hands
v has every time cold hands