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07.03.2007, 22:54
^ yes, was already there
< lives in Luembourg
v was already in Monaco

07.03.2007, 22:55
^ yes, 5 or 6 years ago
< has finished the 5th hp-book
v loves gold

07.03.2007, 22:56
^ only when it's the material of a flute
< wants a golden headjoint
v prefers the sound of silver

07.03.2007, 23:01
^ as a flute?
< has a bad english :-blush
v laughs out loud *g*

08.03.2007, 00:00
^ Just for you: *LOL*
> can't sleep
v can't afford to sleep

08.03.2007, 00:06
^ I'd prefer SPAM over sleep
< would like a golden headjoint too :-))
v wonders what that is actually

08.03.2007, 00:07
^ doesn't wonder about anything no more :-nix
> can't get no sleep :-nix
v sends me some sleeping pills

08.03.2007, 00:22
^ we must consider legal matters ...
< tends to liquid sleep induction
v lets nature just be :-))

08.03.2007, 00:26
^ it is for desi or meuli?
< goes to be crazy
v finding nemo

08.03.2007, 05:45
^ no, hopefully finding the way to the university of Essen by car
> has an appointment with her doctorfather (??) today
v has already finished his/her dissertation

08.03.2007, 09:03
^wish it was that way ;-)
> has to go to work in a bit =(
v is enjoying the nice sunny weather while everyone else is working (inside =((

08.03.2007, 11:55
^it's not that sunny here, but perhaps I will go outside this afternoon
> has a lot of work to do
v is already outside

08.03.2007, 14:05
^ not quite
< likes to retire, then apologize and rehire
v is already inside

08.03.2007, 14:30
^yes, is inside again
> was just a bit outside
v hates Fridays, like me

08.03.2007, 14:31
^ all days
< is still waiting
v knocked out

08.03.2007, 14:49
^ it's not even 4 o'clock!
< is happy to have at least one male friend from ML ^^
v prefers coffee to that milk and sugar

08.03.2007, 14:51
^doesn't like no milk and hates coffee
> is fighting with the printer
v has a very good printer that works without problems

08.03.2007, 14:55
^I know that printer - other members of this family not
< has a date at operation theatre tomorrow
v envys bille

08.03.2007, 15:09
^ is enamored by some handsome doctor
< does not envy anybody - why should I :-)
v is sick of my arrogance

08.03.2007, 15:33
^ no :-)
> sick of something else :-(
v knows what I am talking about