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10.03.2007, 11:14
^ *yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn*
> is listening to the radio
v can answer from a to e :-))

10.03.2007, 11:21
^ only :-))
> looking forward to Thursday *evilgrin*
v knows why

10.03.2007, 11:25
^ I haven't got a clue...
> *note* buy some Bailey's
v is on red alert now :-))

10.03.2007, 11:31
^ *alert* someone said the magic word :-))
> wish I could fastforward the next few days
v looking forward to yummie cake :-angel

10.03.2007, 11:39
^ *salivates with pleasure*
> feels like Scrat from Ice Age :-))
v is a good girl...

10.03.2007, 11:41
^ of course :-angel
> a VERY good girl, what else :-))
v bad girl

10.03.2007, 11:43
^yep - always
< knows how to be bad
v goes down skiing today

10.03.2007, 11:53
^ unfortunately I'm not... :-(
> is enjoying the sun right here on her balcony, reading a great book, a few newspapers; kept warm by a cosy blanket
v also loves the first sunbeams of the year, with chirping birds and the fresh green grass ;-) :-love

10.03.2007, 13:50
^ that's hard to tell with the-hangover-of-your-life
< but i sure would, ehm wallow in that fresh green grass :-))
v provides me with water and e'lytes

10.03.2007, 18:15
^ hands hypnotel a bottle of water and some Salzbrezeln
> is hungry
V will cook for me

10.03.2007, 18:57
^ i doubt you would like it :-D
< munches Salzbrezeln thankfully
v would like Werder to win tomorrow......

10.03.2007, 19:28
^ I'm from the South!!! "Werder" ... is that something to eat? :-))
> is watching DSDS
v wants to be a Superstar

10.03.2007, 20:14
^ superstar in surgery - sure!
> is probably too lazy to become a super-surgeon
V thinks I'm a superstar nonetheless

10.03.2007, 20:56
^ sure, you're the superstar in focus of your contributions to the ML-board!!!
< would feel like superstar, if she could start studying medicine at length :-kotz
v has also waited before starting with medicine resp. comprehends living as a waiting around, "worthless person" :-(

10.03.2007, 21:04
^ was lucky and started just after finishing school
> went to a massage workshop at the "Volkshochschule" with her boyfriend today
v would not enjoy such a course

10.03.2007, 22:57
^ well I guess not
> have a headache and pills don't help :-((
v also grumpy

11.03.2007, 09:22
^ yep, 2 hours of biochemistry on a sunday morning, and it´s not even half 10
> is looking foreward to this afternoon
v is wearing red socks with pink stripes :D

11.03.2007, 10:32
^ is wearing blue-striped socks with Gary on them :-blush
> loves Gary :-love
v wonders who this Gary is :-))

11.03.2007, 10:35
^ has an idea
< grins broad and wide because of outside
v will have her desktop formatted on wednesday

11.03.2007, 10:46
^ will have her brain formatted on Wed :-party
> has special plans for the weekend *harr*
v joins in