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  1. #11
    Fachschwamm Avatar von Meuli
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    wer wohnt in der Ananas
    ganz tief im Meer
    Zitat Zitat von Iloenchen
    and I have to admit that I was quite disappointed when I saw the Statue of Liberty. I always expected it to be really huge, but it was much smaller than in my imagination.
    *laugh* this is true, I was feeling the same way. But then, I had a fever of about 39°C the day I was there and we climbed up the stairs to the torch, so I was actually pretty glad that thing wasn't taller
    Carol Hathaway: You're *a med student*?
    Abby Lockhart: What can I say? I crossed over to the Dark Side.


    "Der Kerl hat mir keine Schokolade angeboten. Und selbst hat er auch keine gefuttert. Mit anderen Worten: Normal war der nicht!" (aus: TKKG 54: Alarm! Klößchen ist verschwunden)

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  2. #12
    ~~~Das Wollekül~~~ Avatar von Schimmelschaf
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    Last Night I was in GB... In Hogwarts But in real life... Nope.

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  3. #13
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    I went to London 3 times as a tourist. Awesome city, great sights, nice markets and stores and great nightlife! It was always good weather and I love the underground at rush hour - it's like you got caught in a shoal =). And we always had great weather, it was cold but sunny.

    In 1999 I also was an exchange student in the US. It didn't have the bad reputation that it has now and America is just great when youre a teenager.
    I got the opportunity to live in two different cities in two different states-one lived in the suburban area of Washington, D.C. and the other in the Pennsylvanian farmland. I loved that everyone there is so friendly and open, the food and the shopping malls =). I didn't like the superficiality of some people that much, and that no one really cares about the environment or what's going on in the world. And the weather was great =)!

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  4. #14
    Es gibt Studien, ... Avatar von Bille11
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    i've been to west-sussex for 11th grade schooling at a public school. it was great but as for the school was a rather high-pitched ground i felt somewhat lonely there.. sometimes. other times were great and i remember the time there gratefully.
    also i went to oxford for a abitur-preparation-course one or 2 years later and had a lotta fun.
    after abitur 1 spent 6 weeks at a international youth camp in texas.. it was a great time - time of my life. we spent our time at camp sites and at familys equally and i was lucky to stay at the same family the first 2 weeks and the last week. we became real friends over the time and sometimes write emails and share pictures..

    also i went to london a few times since that time and my plan is to visit edinburgh and scotland and wales sometimes..
    harmlos, naiv & unschuldig.
    Gut bekannt mit lauter ehemaligen Chorknaben.

    "Leben ist nicht genug", sagte der Schmetterling.
    "Ich brauche Sonne, Freiheit
    und eine kleine Blume."

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  5. #15
    Küstenretter Avatar von hypnotel
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    taler du tysk?
    England, that means London, twice for shopping reasons. Great (music) stores and clubs, but gruesome food, terrible landscape and climate. England is definitely not my place to be

    US, mainly the 5 southwestern states, 8 times.
    I've been travelling around Arizona for money, since my job was to drive the accompanying van for rich German motorcycle tourists. Got that job via relatives.
    The southwest offers such great landscapes, say alone the Canyons, those little miner villages, the deserts or down the Californian coast, Highway#1. Surprisingly good (variety of) food. Warm but rather arid climate. Lots of beautiful, outgoing (but rather superficial, as somebody said) people. Great spots for skateboarders and surfers as we're talking of California. Furthermore, Mexico is always near

    Florida is mayhem, been to Miami, Orlando and the 'glades on vacation with my Dad. Tourist overload, heat, pollution, crime, 110% humidity. It's simply the US equivalent of Mallorca/Ibiza.
    Never been to New England at all - except Chicago airport where I almost got arrested for smoking in the wrong place.

    As already mentioned, I will never again visit the US. At least not until there's a major switch in the political structure, which equals 'never'...
    It's a shame as the US could be a wonderful place to be. America sure was before 'civilized man' laid his hands on this continent.
    Zitat Zitat von Lars
    Manchmal muss man die Schubkarre halt tragen.

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