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  1. #26
    Diamanten Mitglied
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    Silicon Junction
    So let's face the truth, unless your are able to talk/write in good german, you will not get one damn step closer to germany.u started learning German last week and you think about ten month will be sufficient for working as a resident in Germany with real patients....
    The last Russian MD i saw was an about 35 years old woman, she had to repeat her last
    year (practical year) and had to pass our medical exam....

    Welcome to Fairy Land.

    btw: Translate words with a dictionary would improve your german, or will you gonne
    use same translate-pc later if you work with patients..... like S. Hawking
    or try to translate:" Unsere Medikamenten-Waschzettel sind übrigens in Hochdeutsch geschrieben, auf einem handgeschöptem Büttenpapier"

    Live long and prosper

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]
  2. #27
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    kazan state medical university, russia
    Dear, Coxy-Baby
    Thank you, and i do agree with you! but i don't understand what you want to say??? 10 months are not enough? but when i enquiry with "Goethe Institute" about B2 level corse, they told me may be 10 month is enough! And as i understood that B2 level is a criteria for the Medical Residency Program.
    And if you telling me about a Russian (lady) doc. my case and her case is different! I don't know why that much late she came there and may be she don't know english or any of background. As i am learning German, my English and Russian language knowledge both are helping me to get fast on German! (because English and Russian help me by some ways) and i have already prove my language skill with Russian (Which was one of hard language from europe and when i came from India i don't know anything about it, but i am not bad with Russian) So it is my confidence ( not over) that, somehow i will manage with German too! Because i like German language as well my profession is suppose to belong with.
    And yes, I am totally agree with you about use of dictionary, that can be trick to learn any language. One has to increese there vocabulary! Anyway Thank's alot...! I am bit positive with German language and bit sirius too! what you say..?

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]
  3. #28
    "Lady of steel" hennessy Avatar von horsedoc
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    Dear dranard, my two cents about the German language: a friend of mine, he´s a spaniard, is fluent not only in Spanish but French, English and Italian as well. He´s currently trying to master the German language, incidentally at the Goethe institute as well, and is telling me that German is the most difficult language he´s come across as yet. As I understand ist´s in parts the Grammar that doesn´t seem to follow any of the other languages he´s familiar with, the irregular verbs and the pronounciation. He still has great difficulty in following a conversation spoken in normal speed, after over 3 years in the country.
    Furthermore there are a lot of variaties in language within the country, when I visit Bavaria e.g., I´m having problems to understand the "natives" as well-
    I wish you all the luck in the world but I do agree with coxy-baby in 10 month being to short a time to learn the German language sufficient to practise as a doctor
    Geheult wird erst wenns stark blutet oder komisch wegsteht!

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]
  4. #29
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    kazan state medical university, russia
    DEAR, horsedoc;


    Dear dranard, my two cents about the German language: a friend of mine, he´s a spaniard, is fluent not only in Spanish but French, English and Italian as well. He´s currently trying to master the German language, incidentally at the Goethe institute as well, and is telling me that German is the most difficult language he´s come across as yet. As I understand ist´s in parts the Grammar that doesn´t seem to follow any of the other languages he´s familiar with, the irregular verbs and the pronounciation. He still has great difficulty in following a conversation spoken in normal speed, after over 3 years in the country.
    Furthermore there are a lot of variaties in language within the country, when I visit Bavaria e.g., I´m having problems to understand the "natives" as well-
    I wish you all the luck in the world but I do agree with coxy-baby in 10 month being to short a time to learn the German language sufficient to practise as a doctor

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]
  5. #30
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    This Guide in principle is for medical students and Physicians who finish their study of Medicine in non-EU Countries who wish to work and do post-graduate Degree in Germany and based solely on my personal experience as MD graduated from Iraq,that is why it could be not suitable for everyone but may be beneficial.
    1- The Language
    the German Language is very difficult one, even if you have the capabilities to master English or French,still German language is difficult and one of the reasons is the big difference between spoken and written daily usage of the language,you should be very talented to acquire good level(B2) to work as Doctor.I get level B2 in 10 months. but to be competent in communication skills and understanding (some Dialect) you need more than this.
    personally i live in Germany since 02.02.2008 but still after nearly 20 months feels sometime difficulties when it comes to writing or documentation in work,so before everything else you should learn the Language efficiently before thinking in working in Germany.
    you should also learn the Medical German Language because the pronunciation and writing in work is little bit different from English or other Languages.
    There are many ways to learn the languages in addition to books and school and give you some tips:
    a- try to watch some German TV series with subtitle in German(through Teletext) you will learn many words in short time and also learn how the German communicate with each others.
    b- get a German girlfriend.
    c- think German: try to reset your Brain-HD to think like a German and be full confident of yourself even if you make mistakes at beginning
    use any method to learn the language very fast because its the only difference between you and a German Doctor,and when you will be able to master the language there will be no one could make a comment on your communication skills rather than your work.
    in the next parts I will talk about my personal experience and impression about German medical authorities,German medical License , German medical system, Colleagues in work, the mentality of some German Doctors and their attitude against non-EU medical Doctors some Private institutes which teach integration for doctors from outside Germany and many more...So Stay in Touch and watch my subsequent parts in this Guide.

    Doctors will have more lives to answer for in the next world than even we generals.
    Napoleon Bonaparte

    Geändert von Vidoco (11.11.2009 um 20:29 Uhr)

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