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  1. #1
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Liebe Kolleginen und Kollegen,

    ich habe ein paar Frage an Weiterbildungsstätte für Oral Chirurgie. Ich verstehe nicht wer ist zuständig dafür - Uni oder Praxis ? Zum beispiel wenn ich eine Stelle in Praxis bekomme (für Oral chirugie), garantiert mir das ,dass ich auch eine Stelle in Uni bekomen wird ? Oder man kann Oral Chirurgie nur in Praxis absolvieren ?

    Hello dear Colleagues,

    I have one question regarding oral surgery (weiterbildung) in Germany. It is a little bit complicated for me to understand how this system works in Germany for oral surgery training. For example in my country (EU member), if you want to be an oral surgeon after dentistry graduation, you can do this only by applying directly to university and there is no such thing like authorized private practice which prepares oral surgeons like in Germany or any other way. Yes, you can take implantology courses and something like this, but its not the same. I mean like a real oral surgery training which includes traumatology, minor tumor surgery and etc. So my question would be, what do you do after graduation? Looking for private praxis, which is authorized to prepare oral surgeons and you stay there till the end of your training(3 years) or you still need to apply to university?

    Danke schon mal in Voraus !

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]
  2. #2
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Hallo, du kannst es in der Praxis oder in der Uni machen. Aber du brauchst unbedingt ein Klinikjahr, sprich du musst mindestens ein Jahr lang in einer Klinik die eine Weiterbildungsermächtigung für OCH hat, ableisten. Die Stellen sind dort sehr rar und durchaus schlecht bezahlt. In der Praxis kannst du dir maximal zwei jahre anerkennen lassen. In Hessen besteht die Ausnahme dass du in der Praxis komplett die OCH Weiterbildung ohne ein klinikjahr absolvieren kannst. Viel Spaß bei der Jobsuche.
    Voluntas aegroti suprema lex!

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]
  3. #3
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Danke schon für dein ausführliche antwort!!

    Und was geht weiter als du eine stelle in praxis bekommt, macht diese zwei Jahre und was weiter? Vieleicht es ist naiv zu glauben, dass die Stelle in Uni ist automatisch garantiert ?

    Its very interesting ,thank you for your answer!
    I have few more questions if you don't mind.
    When you finish your two year training in praxis, what do you do then ? Because I've heard from local german doctors that you have to stand in line and wait for place in University minimum 5 years or smth like that. Is it true? Could you tell me more about that waiting list? Because in our university if you do not meet certain criteria at that time of the movement, they don't accept you, but there is no waiting list,one way or another you could try to apply next year more prepared.

    I guess that no one guaranty you that after two years of training in praxis you will get place in university, right? So at the end you may be left with nothing, am i right?

    Ich freue mich sehr auf dein Antwort! DANKE

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]
  4. #4
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    The training process as an oral surgeon is indeed quite complicated as ecery "Zahnärztekammer" has their own rules (Weiterbildungsordnung) and there are 17 different ones.
    In general it is this way:
    First you need one year of working experience as a general dentist after graduation.

    Second you need 3 years as a "Weiterbildungsassistent" (like a trainee oral surgeon) under the supervision of a qualified oral surgeon who has a "Weiterbildungsermächtigung" (something like a license to train treinee oral surgeons).

    At least one of this three years you have to be working in a clinic, which can be a university as well as a licensed hospital with an oral surgery or maxillofacial surgery department. It has to be at least one year but can be up to all three years.
    Often also only up to two job positions can be considered to meet this requirements.

    Third you also have to meet a list of surgerys performed as a requirement before you are able to take your qualifing exam with the "Zahnärztekammer". There you also often have to present some cases.

    None of this positions is guaranteed. You have to apply for them like for any regular job and either you get it or not. Of course you can reapply if you are more experienced and hope to secure a post. But as clinic jobs are quite rare especially if you are unexperienced it may take several years until you get one.

    Unlike in most other countries in Germany there is no formal training course, curriculum or studies. Mostly it is like more or less supervised working to get practical experience. To get the theoretical background you either have to study it by yourself, book courses and visit congresses.

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]
  5. #5
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Thank you ,Rynca,it is a wonderful answer.

    So I assume that it's easier to start this journey in place which has "Weiterbildungsermächtigung", because universities are often overloaded with applicants. And after two years of weiterbildungassitent then just patiently sit and wait when there will be available place in Uni klinik to finish training.

    So lets pretend that I've already finished my two years of weiterbildungsassistent time and now i'm waiting for available place in uni. I'm like s half of surgeon now, but i guess that it doesn't give me right to perform surgical procedures till i get full authorization yes?

    And what about the job it self, i mean for "Weiterbildungassitent" i assume that you are just assisting, but don't do surgery's by yourself right?

    Stark für Ärzte - Stark für Euch. - Der Hartmannbund - [Klick hier!]
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