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Thema: where to go?

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  1. #11
    Mitglied seit
    Am Rhein
    big bells
    Reminds me of that tv-presenter applauding the rock star for his "big organ"
    Studied in Bonn ( former capital) and really liked it there.
    Student life was nice (and to my impression, has improved over the last years),courses were good most of the time and, if that is of any interest,ambitious research going on (especially neurosciences is pretty big here).

    Take care and good luck
    "It won't only be the turkey that gets stuffed this christmas!"

    Blutdruckmessen ist boso. - Gesundheit ist Vertrauenssache. - [Klick hier]
  2. #12
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    ive been studying in jena for about 10 months now and i really like it a lot, though theres no university i could compare it to for i just started my studies. so if your still interested feel free to contact me^^

    Blutdruckmessen ist boso. - Gesundheit ist Vertrauenssache. - [Klick hier]
  3. #13
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Right now, I am doing MBA in correspondence. And I think correspondence study is really helpful when wants to earn during the study.

    Blutdruckmessen ist boso. - Gesundheit ist Vertrauenssache. - [Klick hier]
  4. #14
    Platin Mitglied Avatar von SynC
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    5. WBJ
    Zitat Zitat von Maximus007 Beitrag anzeigen
    Heidelberg is great
    Well, I mean its not just the fame, but with the fame comes money, when a university gets declared elite University money flows in, money for research, technology etc. Heidelberg is always the first university to get the newest medical programmes and technology…here you find for example the international cancer center etc. etc. (I don’t know what else )
    People who want to enter research and move up fast should come to Heidelberg in order to study medicine...
    This is so much the cliche of the typical medical student from Heidelberg. Made me almost laugh. But it's really sad that a great number of the students here really believe in the superiority of Heidelberg.
    Research is great, teaching is not better than otherwhere. Especially the system in the clinical semesters is kinda stupid. You never have more time than 4 (or even 2) weeks for learning a speciality like Neurology, because the examinations are all 4 (or 2) weeks.
    In this way many of the Heidelberg students lack in deeper knowledge, because you are not able to work trough a decent textbook in such a short time.

    Blutdruckmessen ist boso. - Gesundheit ist Vertrauenssache. - [Klick hier]
  5. #15
    Zitat Zitat von SynC Beitrag anzeigen
    This is so much the cliche of the typical medical student from Heidelberg. Made me almost laugh. But it's really sad that a great number of the students here really believe in the superiority of Heidelberg.
    Research is great, teaching is not better than otherwhere. Especially the system in the clinical semesters is kinda stupid. You never have more time than 4 (or even 2) weeks for learning a speciality like Neurology, because the examinations are all 4 (or 2) weeks.
    In this way many of the Heidelberg students lack in deeper knowledge, because you are not able to work trough a decent textbook in such a short time.
    I didnt say that the teaching in Heidelberg is so good, I meant specially the research and technology…in fact the preclinical teaching sucks but anyway im a student who studies for himselfe…seldom I go to Vorlesungen and the preclinical Practicas are just a waste of time…I just study to pass the exams and get the Approbation. Then when you finish you can expand your knowledge, and enter the area you prefer. I mean anyway most facts you study you will forget after you graduate, so for what to deepen your knowledge in every clinical area? Are you Einstein or what?
    What is good in Heidelberg is that you have one full free semester in the end in which you can get into research and do your doctor degree, which highers your status in getting a good job, directly after you graduate.
    What I meant is that Heidelberg and Mannheim are growing and expanding, there are lots of investments in new technology and modern clinics and stuff like that…so for people who want to move up and revolutionize medicine its favourable to study in places like Heidelberg. Here you have all the opportunities you need. I didnt say that Heidelberg is the best, I said its great, not the greatest

    Blutdruckmessen ist boso. - Gesundheit ist Vertrauenssache. - [Klick hier]
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