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  1. #1
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Mitglied seit
    Caen, Frankreich
    1stes Jahr

    I'm not good enough yet to talk in German... so I'll do it in English !
    I'm french and I've just started my internship here in France and I'd like to go to Germany to finish it. I choosed Pyschiatry here.
    I've started to get informations about the work in Germany as Assistanzarzt but I would like to know if you knew any french people in a German hospital who did the same as me?
    The official procedure is quite complicated... The French Medicine students do not do their thesis BEFORE their internship so I have no thesis yet, though I'm working in a hospital !
    Otherwise, I know how it works to get a place of Assistanzarzt in Germany.

    If you have any informations about this, please tell me !

    Blutdruckmessen ist boso. - Gesundheit ist Vertrauenssache. - [Klick hier]
  2. #2
    Ein Huhn auf Reisen... Avatar von Moorhühnchen
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    Schon wieder woanders
    Zitat Zitat von Severine Blot
    The French Medicine students do not do their thesis BEFORE their internship so I have no thesis yet, though I'm working in a hospital !
    Otherwise, I know how it works to get a place of Assistanzarzt in Germany.

    If you have any informations about this, please tell me !
    Well, don't worry about your thesis (if you mean the German "Doktorarbeit"). I also don't have finished mine yet and I'll start to work in march (Neurology)!
    There are lots of Germans who start working without being a real "Dr."...
    Don't be afraid of work - fight it!!

    Blutdruckmessen ist boso. - Gesundheit ist Vertrauenssache. - [Klick hier]
  3. #3
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Mitglied seit
    Caen, Frankreich
    1stes Jahr
    Alright. Thanx for your answer. I'll see with the Arztkaemmer also.
    Apart from that, another question -maybe stupid !- ... I suppose there is some foreign doctors or assistanzarzt in Germany... are they always talking perfect german?
    I'm rather stressed for the language. I have good bases, but it's still quicker for me to talk English first... I'm thinking about spending 3 to 6 months in Germany to get fluent before starting the work in the hospital.
    What is the language level of foreigners?

    Blutdruckmessen ist boso. - Gesundheit ist Vertrauenssache. - [Klick hier]
  4. #4
    endlich fertig! Avatar von lala
    Mitglied seit
    I have seen lots of foreign doctors in small psychiatric clinics, most of them from east-europe. In greater hospitals (and universitys) there are less foreigners (exception: in rersearch departments)....
    In my opinion there`s one problem for them in Psychiatry: you have to talk a lot with psychiatric patients...often it is already not easy to understand them in german (in acute psychosis!)!!

    Blutdruckmessen ist boso. - Gesundheit ist Vertrauenssache. - [Klick hier]

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