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  1. #1
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Good evening

    I am planing to get my clinical training in Germany, I graduated in 2006 , worked in neurology department for two years and I am welling to finish my specialty training in neurology in Germany.
    I have to learn the language first indeed and I applied already in Goethe institute.
    I need to know about the system, how is it in here, and what steps should I take first.
    I'll appreciate any help.
    Note: I am not seeking a real paid job , I got my financial support covered.

    Gut vorbereitet auf deine Prüfungen! - Physikum, M2 und M3 - [Klick hier]
  2. #2
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Hi, again

    I really need those information, and deeply wish to find some help here.

    Well ..

    I'll add some more details , may be my request was not clear enough and may be I couldn't express it the right way.

    I got a full scholarship from my government of Libya, I was graduated from the medical school at 2006 and I got the chance to fulfill my dream of being a neurologist after few years , and to go back to my country and participate in the ongoing process of improving the health sector, being a member of the teaching staff is a central part of my plan, so I am welling to do both,start my clinical training as well as applying for an academic degree.

    I need very much any enlightenment here, I don't know about the system here, how could I apply for a place in neurology department for clinical training, and how to plane for the academic degree at the same time, is that possible,I think I must have my training at a university hospital in order to do that, well, I was told by one of the consultants at the center where I work, who was in Germany years ago, he told me that neurology training system was made of 4 years,2 general neurology and 2 for the sub specialty, plus the psychiatry rotation which takes one whole year, is that system still the same..
    Is there any exams I have to be prepared for

    I know it looks silly, but I just don't know and I am very serious about it.

    I will appreciate very much any help.

    Note, Munich is a very strong possibility as a place to stay and settle, will you please consider that if you want to help me.

    Thanks a lot

    Gut vorbereitet auf deine Prüfungen! - Physikum, M2 und M3 - [Klick hier]
  3. #3
    Diamanten Mitglied
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    Silicon Junction
    2 little questions: How good/bad ist your German??? Can you say anything in German,
    and especially medical german??
    When do you want to come to Germany????

    Gut vorbereitet auf deine Prüfungen! - Physikum, M2 und M3 - [Klick hier]
  4. #4
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Thanks for the fast response Sir

    I took the A1.1at Goethe institute at my country. Tripoli, I am not fully satisfied about it,actually I was not satisfied at all,and that's why I took a decision to improve my language with my own as long as I still in Libya, as I said I am funded by the government and the scholarship includes the 9 months at Goethe in Germany, Nine months I think will be very good start to establish a real career based solely on pure German language, every body says that the language is the hardest obstacle, for me I know that I'll kill my self to master it in those nine months, that's why I am focusing mainly on what is coming after that, the real purpose of my travel I mean.

    I am planning to be at Germany by the next year, to get my first course in Goethe at 7th of January.

    Right now, I keep watching the DW tv and taking the lessons on the web site, I know it is very modest but that is what I am able to do at the time being and i am very enthusiastic about it.

    Thanks again..
    Geändert von illuinate (01.11.2009 um 21:50 Uhr)

    Gut vorbereitet auf deine Prüfungen! - Physikum, M2 und M3 - [Klick hier]
  5. #5
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    No help yet!!!

    still waiting.... never lost hope...

    could you please consider the fact that I'll find any minute information valuable.



    Gut vorbereitet auf deine Prüfungen! - Physikum, M2 und M3 - [Klick hier]
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