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  1. #6
    Reformgenervt Avatar von Flauta
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    The problems come while trying to response to other threads....than I don't find the words and there are such komische (strange?) sentences coming out.

    Die blaue Blume ist aber das, was jeder sucht, ohne es selbst zu wissen, nenne man es Gott, Ewigkeit oder Liebe. Ricarda Huch

    Intensivkurs M3/ Kenntnisprüfung - 03.08. - 28.10.2024 - [Klick hier!]
  2. #7
    *hat sich verabschiedet* Avatar von hennessy
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    Zitat Zitat von Flauta Beitrag anzeigen
    ..than I don't find the words and there are such komische (strange?) sentences coming out.

    oh, I know that so well! I ´m trying to increase my English, whenever our relatives from Florida are here. But although I rack my brains it seems getting worse and worse.
    Ein Freund ist jemand, der Dich durchschaut
    und trotzdem nicht enttäuscht ist

    Intensivkurs M3/ Kenntnisprüfung - 03.08. - 28.10.2024 - [Klick hier!]
  3. #8
    Well then you must practice more!
    Practice, practice, practice...you can't get enough of it

    Intensivkurs M3/ Kenntnisprüfung - 03.08. - 28.10.2024 - [Klick hier!]
  4. #9
    Regenerierender Benutzer
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    Irgendwo in der Klinik =)
    the only way of learning to truly speak english is, to live a while among english speaking people... my exchange year (well actually just half a year...) changed my understanding of the language in such a fundamental way.. i can only recommend living some time in an english speaking country...
    watching english movies, reading english books also helps =)
    and the most important thin gis: talk, talk, talk!!! doesn't matter if the vocabulary isn't the most elaborate or something, just speak so that others understadn what you're tryin to tell them. with time a feeling for the language will grow
    dreaming and thinking in english IS somewhat funny
    Nein, das Triple-X-Syndrom hat nichts mit Snowboarden oder Base-Jumping zu tun!

    Intensivkurs M3/ Kenntnisprüfung - 03.08. - 28.10.2024 - [Klick hier!]
  5. #10
    Reformgenervt Avatar von Flauta
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    1) My neighbor (O my god, which a complicated word...ist has so many letters...) ist native from the Philippines and so we speak always in English with me (with her family too), but she is not native speaker....but it's practise.
    I habe some rrestrictions of speaking ENglish with our ENglish-teachers in School, for that it is not gerne seen when speaking a foreign language there an 2) I'm blamiering myself to death

    - I'm bicyling 3-5 times a week here inside with my Bicycle on the "Rolle" and to have it less boring I watch movies and sit-coms in English, often with German subtitles to make sure to really understand everything

    - All English movies are in original language in cinema here

    - I read Harry Potter in English

    To keep my 5 languages alife I really should read simularily a book in each of it....but there is no time....
    Die blaue Blume ist aber das, was jeder sucht, ohne es selbst zu wissen, nenne man es Gott, Ewigkeit oder Liebe. Ricarda Huch

    Intensivkurs M3/ Kenntnisprüfung - 03.08. - 28.10.2024 - [Klick hier!]
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