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07.09.2012, 20:32
good evening everyone
i am an Indian citizen studying medicine in Ukraine
in final year.
i wish to do my post graduate study/speciality training in Germany
please can anyone enlightened me with the process of recognisation of degrees obtained in non eu country
and getting admission in pg courses
and all
thanks in advance
all suggestion are welcome

08.09.2012, 07:30
I think you need the approval of the Landesärztekammer of the state in which you want to work, that your qualification is equivalent to the German. In the past foreign doctors often had to repeat great parts of the medical studies but nowadays it is probably easiert.

on top of that you need a work permit, which you probably get through your future employer in Germany.

Here is an information brochure from Hamburg

https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:MJ9ACRabg5UJ: (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:MJ9ACRabg5UJ:www.aerztekammer-hamburg.de/aerzte/BAMF_Informationsbroschuere_Aerzte_web.pdf+&hl=de&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShYtFDNpFm4YQhq7jcrljAYH3RnCFRkp06t-ZR6NW5UvcsOraXi4EHw8FoyBXZwoJkaBWZDSXXK9ou43eJNW8U LAAmPI7K3c-g3_n3YE9XXO1Fh1DbLkL_WBIv0-LXzTBe8tbB5&sig=AHIEtbQAcYWz01UbXyGg9JsuXOqeqVWouQ)www.aerztek ammer-hamburg.de/aerzte/BAMF_Informationsbroschuere_Aerzte_web.pdf+&hl=de&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShYtFDNpFm4YQhq7jcrljAYH3RnCFRkp06t-ZR6NW5UvcsOraXi4EHw8FoyBXZwoJkaBWZDSXXK9ou43eJNW8U LAAmPI7K3c-g3_n3YE9XXO1Fh1DbLkL_WBIv0-LXzTBe8tbB5&sig=AHIEtbQAcYWz01UbXyGg9JsuXOqeqVWo (http://www.aerztekammer-hamburg.de/aerzte/BAMF_Informationsbroschuere_Aerzte_web.pdf+&hl=de&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShYtFDNpFm4YQhq7jcrljAYH3RnCFRkp06t-ZR6NW5UvcsOraXi4EHw8FoyBXZwoJkaBWZDSXXK9ou43eJNW8U LAAmPI7K3c-g3_n3YE9XXO1Fh1DbLkL_WBIv0-LXzTBe8tbB5&sig=AHIEtbQAcYWz01UbXyGg9JsuXOqeqVWo)

09.09.2012, 09:10
Das ist nicht korrekt ! Du brauchst eine Berufszulassung von der zuständigen Behörde. In Bayern z.B. Regierung Oberbayern für ganz Bayern. Die zuständigen Behörden findest du auf der Inernetseite der Bundesärztekammer. Zuerst vor allem das Deutschzertifikat B2 vom Goetheinstitut.

09.09.2012, 10:08
thank you all for your replies
could someone please tell me some recruitment agencies in germany that recruit foreign medical graduates as doctors
and is the learning of german language is necessary
are not there any jobs for english speaking doctors?

09.09.2012, 10:20
and is the learning of german language is necessary


09.09.2012, 11:47
i heard some hospitals recruit englsih speaking doctors and teach them necessary germna language

09.09.2012, 13:02
If you want to work as a doctor in Germany, it will be absolutely mandatory for you to be fluent in german.
Let me highlight this fact for you: yes, there may be some positions in germany (especially in Research or in supranational organisations), where the working language is not german, but english instead. BUT: first of all, these are not entry level qualification jobs. Furthermore, I assume, that is is not the kind of position you´d be wanting to apply for anyway, since you are asking for a clinical training post.
So even if you were to work for the one US. Military Hospital in germany for example, you´d still have to be able to speak german. The bulk of your patients would be american, but their dependants, spouses, civilian employees etc. (all entitled for medical care through the US. Military) sometimes speak german. That´s what I heard from a colleague, currently deployed with the USAF there- so she learned some german, as an american qualified doctor with american residency and a US american Board certification.

Now, to your second question: even *if* there were some hospitals recruiting english speaking doctors and paying them to become fluent in german, would you assume that this would be the kind of hospital, you´d be interested getting your postgraduate training in? It is a relatively simple matter of demand and supply- hopitals forced to take such extreme measurements (amidst being located in a wealthy and highly industrialized economy with a qualified work force), would be in a really, really, really dire need of staff- and it´s up to you to imagine the reasons why.

Nevertheless: as far as I know, there is indeed one self proclaimed, privately run "Academy" in southern germany, that does recruit foreign qualified nurses and doctors, and trains them up to become fluent in germany, while paying for your room and board and try to negotiate a job for you. They claim to do the necessary paperwork (residential permit, translation of licenses and diplomas etc. too). As soon, as they are able to land you a job in germany, they get a comission from the employing hospital and not from you.

But, as I understand, this academy actively recruits towards nurses and physicians qualified in an EU Country only and is not looking for applicants from outside the european union.
Nevertheless, you can follow this link and have a look at their website:

Best regards

14.09.2012, 19:17
thank you very much thomas