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Thema: Pj in Germany

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  1. #1
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    I'm at final year medical collage in non- EU Country, and I am really interested in doing my internship in Germany.

    So, I need to know if I can do all rotations there (Obs&Gynae, Paediatrics, Surgery, Internal Medicine)?
    And after completing wiil I get a certificate of that?

    One last question can I apply for approbation (German license)?

    Note : I have just completed level A1, and will start level A2 on Sunday. I really like it.

    I hope you help me I am appreciating every answer.
    Thanks in Advance.

  2. #2
    gamo lefuzi nibe
    Registriert seit
    In Germany you have to do 16 weeks of surgery, 16 weeks of internal medicine and 16 weeks of a specialty of your choice. So you can either do OBGYN or paediatrics. In some universities you can do 4 rotations, but I don't know where. Whether or not you can get an Approbation is something you should discuss in person with the local Landesprüfungsamt.

  3. #3
    Diamanten Mitglied
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    5. WBJ Psychiatrie
    I guess you'd have to complete your rotations as required by your home university rather than as required by German universities. Put differently, whether or not you can complete your rotations in Germany will depend in the first instance on the requirements set by your home university. Once you've verified that your home university allows completing your rotations in Germany, you'll have to figure out whether you can find German teaching hospitals that are willing to host you. But I guess that shouldn't be too difficult, as long as you're geographically flexible.

    With a non-EU/EEA degree, you'd usually get a Berufserlaubnis first, rather than an Approbation. The main difference is that the Berufserlaubnis is a one-off temporary license limited to one particular Bundesland (federal state). You can work as a physician with a Berufserlaubnis and, during that time period, apply for an Approbation. As roxolana wrote, you'll have to contact the Landesprüfungsamt (state licensing authority) of the Bundesland in which you want to practice to find out more about whether you'll fulfill the requirements for a Berufserlaubnis/Approbation or not.

  4. #4
    Diamanten Mitglied
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    war Köln
    We recently has a German Student who was studying in Bulgaria and did his equivalent to PJ in our hospital. He die his rotations as required by his university and there was no problem concerning organisation. He participated in the usual teaching programmes for PJ students offered by our Hospital and had the same amenities (free meals, cheap room near the hospital etc).

  5. #5
    Diffeldoffel Avatar von tarumo
    Registriert seit
    Bulgaria is a member of EU, so this has little to do with the initial question.
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