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  1. #1
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Hello everybody,

    I am a fresh medical Moroccan graduated who is interested in doing a medical training in the radiology/radioprotection department in a teaching hospital in Germany.
    If someone could tell me if this is possible, and guide me about procedure to follow or who should I contact, then I will be so grateful .
    NB: I don t speak German yet , how do you think that will affect my inquiry?
    Geändert von geyzee (08.01.2009 um 21:41 Uhr)

  2. #2
    Diamanten Mitglied Avatar von SuperSonic
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    Since you want to undertake postgraduate studies as a doctor, a sound knowledge of German is indispensable. I'm afraid you will not be allowed to practice medicine without a licence which requires, among other things, the ability to communicate with patients appropriately in medical settings, i.e. in German.

  3. #3
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Zitat Zitat von SuperSonic
    Since you want to undertake postgraduate studies as a doctor, a sound knowledge of German is indispensable. I'm afraid you will not be allowed to practice medicine without a licence which requires, among other things, the ability to communicate with patients appropriately in medical settings, i.e. in German.
    Thank you SuperSonic for your response.
    I am aware that a good grasp of German language is required to do a specialisation/residency or to benefit from a program of exchange with a German university.
    In fact, I am hoping to do a training of a short duration, one month for example ,I choosed the radiology department where contact with patients is relatively limited while communication with doctors could be done in English. I wish to have a better idea about how life & practice of medicine are in Germany in order to decide about eventual relocation there in future & start learning the language.
    Do you see in your hospitals foreign medical students & doctors who come for such short duration trainings? Do you think language is always required even the training is for short period & with limited contact with patients?

  4. #4
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    It doesn't really make sense to stay in a department for just one month, unless you want to apply for a position in the very same department later on. This again would require reasonable knowledge of the German language.

    And for sure, you won't get paid for a single month internship...

    Bonne chance.

  5. #5
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    war FFM
    4 WBJ

    well as the other writers already told, you will need good language knowledge if you want to do your training as a specialist in germany.
    but if i understood you correct, right know you "only" want to "visit" germany to find out if in future it may be an option for you to learn the language and after that move over here to work....
    in this case, yes i have seen a lot of forgeign students / doctors doing a short internship or something like that in a german clinic without having any knowledge of the german language. of course your patient contact would be limited and you will mainly follow the docs a around and have a look at what they do. the best way to find a position like that is to directly apply with the head of the departement you would like to work at and ask him if this is possible.
    of course you would not get paid and of course you would have to pay for your daily living, appartement and stuff like that by your self....


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